After taking a photo of her cancer scar in 2011 and sharing the image online, then 22 year old Scar Stories founder, Jasmine Gailer, felt better for it! We have since taken more than 45 scar portraits, with 13 professional photographers and exhibited around Australia. We will power forward in showing the 'pretty' and 'gritty' side of cancer through a range of creative endeavors to achieve our mission.


Our Mission

Through creative initiatives we aim to raise awareness about young adult cancer; raise funds for specialty care for the 18-35 year group; and help these young people come to terms with what most people keep hidden following cancer treatment - the physical scars that remind them of a grim, painful experience - and see them in a new light, one that is empowering and beautiful.

A video about Scar Stories by ABC documentary filmaker, David Shipton.

Scar Stories is incredibly moving and demonstrates a great deal of bravery and resilience from young people challenged in a way most of us never will be.
— Doug Faulconer, Hunters & Collectors drummer

What We've Achieved:

  • Taken over 40 stunning scar portraits

  • Printed a Scar Stories book featuring our collection of portraits

  • Won the Moran Contemporary Photography Prize for Suzanne McCorkell's portrait of Chris & Bridie in 2014

  • Signed up Aussie music legends Hunters & Collectors, Dead Letter Circus and Reece Mastin to champion our cause

  • Had our RockScars project featured on Channel 7's 'Sunrise' program.

  • Surpassed a crowdfunding target of $15,000 to cover costs of 2014 creative projects.

  • Raised over $9,000 through ticket sales and donations at a Hunters & Collectors benefit concert in January 2014

  • Raised over $7,000 for CanTeen through photographic exhibitions in Brisbane, Melbourne, Castlemaine, and Sunshine Coast

  • Attracted involvement from over 100 volunteers and sponsors

What our followers say

Because you can smile after what you’ve been through, I saw no reason why I couldn’t smile too
— A young adult struggling with anxiety issues, who happened upon
Your organisation is so important. I was barely 19 when I was first diagnosed with very aggressive brain cancer in 1998 and again in 2000. I only wish there had been something like this and support when I was going through it!
— Bernie, cancer survivor & Scar Stories supporter
The Bleeding Heart exhibition [in 2012] was timed perfectly for me, for I felt quite alone at the time and then could see how so many others had gone through similar experiences.
— Young adult cancer survivor